path: root/functions.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'functions.vim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/functions.vim b/functions.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 5264701..0000000
--- a/functions.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-" StripTrailingWhitespaces, by Drew Neil of {{{1
-function! <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces()
- " Save last search and cursor position
- let _s=@/
- let l = line(".")
- let c = col(".")
- " Do the business:
- %s/\s\+$//e
- " Restore previous search history and cursor position
- let @/=_s
- call cursor(l, c)
-" SynStack, by Drew Neil of {{{1
-function! <SID>SynStack()
- if !exists("*synstack")
- return
- endif
- echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
-" CountCodeLines, by zlg {{{1
-function! <SID>CountCodeLines()
- let code_count = 0
- for line in getbufline("%", 1, "$")
- if (len(line) > 0 && match(line, '\S\+') > -1)
- if (s:IsCommentLine(line) == 1)
- continue
- endif
- let code_count += 1
- endif
- endfor
- echo code_count . ' lines of code.'
-" IsCommentLine, by zlg {{{1
-" Meant to be used with CountCodeLines()
-function! s:IsCommentLine(line)
- let l:comtypes = []
- let l:comlist = split(&comments, ',')
- for i in comlist
- let l:type = split(i, ':')
- if len(type) > 1
- let l:opt = type[1]
- else
- let l:opt = type[0]
- endif
- call add(comtypes, opt)
- endfor
- let i = 0
- while i < len(comtypes)
- if match(a:line, '^\s*' . escape(comtypes[i], '/*')) > -1
- return 1
- endif
- let i += 1
- endwhile
- return 0
-" InsertDOW, by zlg {{{1
-function! <SID>InsertDOW()
- " Let's backup a random register
- let tmpx = @x
- let @x = system("date +\"%a \" -d" . strftime("%Y") . "-" . substitute(expand("<cWORD>"), ":", "", ""))
- normal "xP
- " Join, since it apparently is on a line instead of just a string
- j 1
- " Return the value in the x register
- let @x = tmpx
-" BufDiff, by zlg {{{1
-" Function: BufDiff
-" Author: zlg <>
-" Date: 2018-10-12
-" License: GNU GPL, version 3 <>
-" Description: Open a new tab page with two or three buffers and enter diff mode.
-" Long Description:
-" BufDiff accepts two or three buffer arguments and opens a new tab page to
-" work with them in diff mode. This ensures that your existing window and
-" buffer layout is preserved while providing an easy way to enter a diff
-" session. The arguments can be any argument that can also be passed to
-" the ":buffer" Ex-command, including partial filenames (if quoted).
-function! BufDiff(buf1, buf2, ...)
- let fname = substitute(expand("<sfile>"), "^function ", "", "")
- if a:0 > 1
- echohl ErrorMsg
- echomsg l:fname . ": This function accepts a maximum of three arguments."
- echohl None
- return
- endif
- " Check for a third buffer, which will default to zero if not present
- let a:buf3 = get(a:, 1, 0)
- if !bufexists(a:buf1) || !bufexists(a:buf2) || (a:0 == 1 && !bufexists(a:buf3))
- echohl ErrorMsg
- echomsg l:fname . ": One or more buffer number(s) not found!"
- echohl None
- return
- else
- tabnew
- exe ":buffer " . a:buf1
- diffthis
- vsplit
- exe ":buffer " . a:buf2
- diffthis
- if a:buf3
- vsplit
- exe ":buffer " . a:buf3
- diffthis
- endif
- return
- endif
-" SwapKeys, by zlg {{{1
-" This function isn't that fancy; it just flips a variable and calls the
-" mapping function.
-function! SwapKeys()
- if (exists("g:use_dvorak") && (g:use_dvorak == 1 || g:use_dvorak == 0))
- let g:use_dvorak = (!g:use_dvorak)
- call SetKeyMap()
- else
- echohl ErrorMsg
- echomsg "g:use_dvorak is either unset, or an invalid value. Set to 0 or 1.
- echohl None
- return
- endif
-" SetKeyMap, by zlg {{{1
-" Function: SetKeyMap
-" Author: zlg <>
-" Date: 2018-11-15
-" License: GNU GPL, version 3 <>
-" Long Description:
-" SetKeyMap allows the user to set their keybindings according to the value of
-" a global variable. In this case, it's g:use_dvorak, to swap between Dvorak
-" and QWERTY layouts. It can be extended to use any number of key mappings
-" that you need.
-function! SetKeyMap()
- if g:use_dvorak == 1
- " I use a Dvorak keyboard, so standard vim movement keys are a hassle.
- " Since mnemonics are helpful all around, I need a mapping that gives me
- " pain-free file navigation without screwing up mnemonics (too much).
- "
- " Thus:
- " (D)elete is now (K)ill: d2w == k2w "kill 2 words"
- " Un(T)il is now (J)ump-To: dt( == kj( "kill, jump-to paren"
- " (N)ext is now (L)eap: cn == cl "change up to leap point"
- " Standard movement, which is the true focus of this hack.
- " Mnemonics are awesome, so let's preserve as much as possible.
- noremap d h
- noremap h j
- noremap t k
- noremap n l
- noremap D H
- noremap H J
- noremap T K
- noremap N L
- noremap gh gj
- noremap gt gk
- " I work with tabs every now and then. No, I don't have a mnemonic.
- noremap gj gt
- noremap gJ gT
- " Window movement, equally important
- noremap <C-w>d <C-w>h
- noremap <C-w>h <C-w>j
- noremap <C-w>t <C-w>k
- noremap <C-w>n <C-w>l
- nnoremap <C-w><C-d> <C-w><C-h>
- nnoremap <C-w><C-h> <C-w><C-j>
- nnoremap <C-w><C-t> <C-w><C-k>
- nnoremap <C-w><C-n> <C-w><C-l>
- nnoremap <C-d> <C-w>h
- nnoremap <C-h> <C-w>j
- nnoremap <C-t> <C-w>k
- nnoremap <C-n> <C-w>l
- " Account for tag jumping
- nnoremap <C-j> <C-t>
- " Remappings for the D key
- noremap k d
- noremap K D
- " Remappings for the T key
- noremap j t
- noremap J T
- " Remapping for the L key
- noremap l n
- noremap L N
- " General purpose help; the originals remain for convenience
- noremap - 0
- noremap _ $
- " Fold-related keybindings
- noremap zh zj
- noremap zt zk
- echomsg "Bindings set to Dvorak"
- else
- " set qwerty keys; basically just resetting things
- noremap h h
- noremap j j
- noremap k k
- noremap l l
- noremap H H
- noremap J J
- noremap K K
- noremap L L
- noremap gj gj
- noremap gh gh
- noremap gt gt
- noremap gT gT
- noremap <C-w>h <C-w>h
- noremap <C-w>j <C-w>j
- noremap <C-w>h <C-w>k
- noremap <C-w>l <C-w>l
- nnoremap <C-w><C-h> <C-w><C-h>
- nnoremap <C-w><C-j> <C-w><C-j>
- nnoremap <C-w><C-k> <C-w><C-k>
- nnoremap <C-w><C-l> <C-w><C-l>
- nnoremap <C-h> <C-w>h
- nnoremap <C-j> <C-w>j
- nnoremap <C-k> <C-w>k
- nnoremap <C-l> <C-w>l
- nnoremap <C-t> <C-t>
- noremap d d
- noremap D D
- noremap t t
- noremap T T
- noremap n n
- noremap N N
- noremap - 0
- noremap _ $
- noremap zj zj
- noremap zk zk
- echomsg "Bindings set to QWERTY"
- endif
-" Custom folding display function
-function! MyFoldText()
- let indent = repeat(' ', indent(v:foldstart))
- let line = substitute(getline(v:foldstart), '\v^\s+', '', '')
- let folded_lines = v:foldend - v:foldstart
- return indent . line . ' (' . folded_lines . 'L)'
-" vim: foldmethod=marker