import vgstash import sqlite3 import click import os import sys from shutil import get_terminal_size def get_db(): """Fetch a vgstash DB object from the default location. Change DEFAULT_CONFIG['db_location'] before calling this function to alter behavior.""" return vgstash.DB(vgstash.DEFAULT_CONFIG['db_location'])'vgstash') def cli(): pass @cli.command() def init(): db = get_db() click.echo("Initializing the database...") if db.create_schema(): click.echo("Schema created.") else: raise sqlite3.OperationalError("Cannot create schema.") def row_format(row, width, header): """ Prints a row from the result set into a nice table. """ # The magic number comes from: # game ID (4) # system name (8) # ownership (3) # progress (9) twidth = int(width) - 36 if header == True: click.echo("{:^4s} | {:<{w}s} | {:<8s} | {:^3s} | {:<9s}".format( "ID", "Title", "System", "Own", "Progress", w=twidth) ) click.echo("-" * int(width)) gidstr = "{: >4d}".format(row['rowid']) titlestr = "{: <{w}s}".format(row['title'][:twidth], w=twidth) systemstr = "{: ^8s}".format(row['system'][:8]) # unowned, physical, digital, both ownltr = [' ', 'P', ' D', 'P D'] ownstr = "{: <3s}".format(ownltr[row['ownership']]) progltr = { 0: '', 1: 'N', 2: 'P', 3: 'B', 4: 'C' } progstr = "{: <7s}".format((" " * row['progress'] * 2) + progltr[row['progress']]) print(" | ".join((gidstr, titlestr, systemstr, ownstr, progstr))) @cli.command('add') @click.argument('title', type=str) @click.argument('system', type=str) @click.argument('ownership', type=str, required=False, default=vgstash.DEFAULT_CONFIG['ownership']) @click.argument('progress', type=str, required=False, default=vgstash.DEFAULT_CONFIG['progress']) @click.argument('notes', type=str, required=False, default="") def add(title, system, ownership, progress, notes): db = get_db() game = vgstash.Game(title, system, ownership, progress, notes) try: db.add_game(game, update=False) own_clause = ( "do not own", "physically own", "digitally own", "digitally and physically own", ) progress_clause = ( "cannot beat", "haven't started", "are playing", "have beaten", "have completed", ) note_clause = "" if len(game.notes) == 0 else " It also has notes." click.echo("Added {} for {}. You {} it and {} it.{}".format( game.title, game.system, own_clause[game.ownership], progress_clause[game.progress], note_clause, )) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: print(e) click.echo("Couldn't add game.") @cli.command('list') @click.argument('filter', required=False, default="allgames") @click.option('--raw', '-r', is_flag=True, show_default=True, default=False, help="Output raw, pipe-delimited lines") @click.option('--width', '-w', type=str, required=False, default=get_terminal_size(fallback=(80,24)).columns, help="The width of the table to output, in characters.") def list_games(filter, raw, width): db = get_db() res = db.list_games(filter) first_pass = True for r in res: if 'notes' in r.keys() and len(r['notes']) > 0: notes = r['notes'].replace('\n', '\\n') notes = notes.replace('\r', '\\r') else: notes = '' if raw: click.echo("|".join(( r['title'], r['system'], str(r['ownership']), str(r['progress']), notes )) ) else: row_format(r, width, first_pass) first_pass = False