path: root/vgstash
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vgstash b/vgstash
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c1775d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vgstash
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# TODO: Consider putting all help messages into a dict for easier management
+# TODO: Decide on docstring delimiter and stick to it
+import sys
+import os
+import sqlite3
+import argparse
+import yaml
+import subprocess # to handle the piping use case
+def set_env():
+ '''Ensures environment variables are respected. Sets defaults if
+ they're not present. If the defaults are not usable, it throws an
+ AssertionError and alerts the user.'''
+ # This makes outside-scope referencing and assignment possible
+ # Precedence = $VGSTASH_DB_LOCATION, $HOME, or current directory
+ DB_LOCATION = os.getenv('VGSTASH_DB_LOCATION', os.getenv('HOME', os.getcwd()))
+ try:
+ assert(os.path.isdir(DB_LOCATION))
+ except AssertionError:
+ print("VGSTASH_DB_LOCATION is not a valid directory. Unset it to fall back to $HOME, or correct the environment variable.")
+ sys.exit()
+ DB_LOCATION = os.path.join(DB_LOCATION, ".vgstash.db")
+ try:
+ assert(OWNERSHIP == 0 or OWNERSHIP == 1)
+ except AssertionError:
+ print("VGSTASH_DEFAULT_OWNERSHIP is not zero or one. Ensure your variable is set correctly.")
+ sys.exit()
+ try:
+ assert(PROGRESS >= 0 and PROGRESS <= 3)
+ except AssertionError:
+ print("VGSTASH_DEFAULT_PROGRESS is not between zero and three. Ensure your variable is set correctly.")
+ sys.exit()
+ try:
+ assert(TABLE_WIDTH >= 50 or TABLE_WIDTH == 0)
+ except AssertionError:
+ print("VGSTASH_TABLE_WIDTH must be a number that's zero, or a number that's 50 or greater, to facilitate readability. A value of zero will use your terminal's width.")
+ sys.exit()
+def init_db(args):
+ '''Creates the database schema and the relevant views, preparing it
+ for use with vgstash. Will not overwrite an extant database.'''
+ # Confirm we can create the file
+ try:
+ assert(os.path.isfile(DB_LOCATION) == False)
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_LOCATION)
+ print("DB successfully connected!")
+ except sqlite3.OperationalError:
+ print("The database could not be created and/or connected to.")
+ sys.exit()
+ except AssertionError:
+ print("The database already exists! Delete '%s' and init the database again." % loc)
+ sys.exit()
+ # Now let's run a bunch of queries! Fun...
+ try:
+ conn.execute("CREATE TABLE games (\
+ title TEXT NOT NULL,\
+ system TEXT NOT NULL,\
+ );")
+ print("Table created.")
+ # TODO: Consider executescript()
+ conn.execute("CREATE VIEW allgames AS SELECT rowid,* FROM games ORDER BY system,title ASC;")
+ conn.execute("CREATE VIEW complete AS SELECT rowid,* FROM games WHERE progress = 3 ORDER BY system,title ASC;")
+ conn.execute("CREATE VIEW backlog AS SELECT rowid,* FROM games WHERE ownership = 1 AND progress < 2 ORDER BY system,title ASC;")
+ conn.execute("CREATE VIEW done AS SELECT rowid,* FROM games WHERE progress >= 2 ORDER BY system,title ASC;")
+ conn.execute("CREATE VIEW fresh AS SELECT rowid,* FROM games WHERE progress = 0 ORDER BY system,title ASC;")
+ conn.execute("CREATE VIEW incomplete AS SELECT rowid,* FROM games WHERE ownership = 1 AND progress = 2 ORDER BY system,title ASC;")
+ conn.execute("CREATE VIEW owned AS SELECT rowid,* FROM games WHERE ownership = 1 ORDER BY system,title ASC;")
+ conn.execute("CREATE VIEW unowned AS SELECT rowid,* FROM games WHERE ownership = 0 ORDER BY system,title ASC;")
+ conn.execute("CREATE VIEW wishlist AS SELECT rowid,* FROM games WHERE ownership = 0 AND progress < 2 ORDER BY system,title ASC;")
+ print("Views created.")
+ conn.commit()
+ except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
+ print("Query error:", e)
+ finally:
+ conn.close()
+def export_db(args):
+ '''Exports a YAML representation of the database to a given file.'''
+ try:
+ if args.path == None:
+ fp = sys.stdout
+ else:
+ fp = open(args.path, 'w')
+ except PermissionError:
+ print("The path is not writable by the current user. Please double-check permissions.")
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_LOCATION)
+ conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ fp.write("# vgstash DB file version 0.1\n")
+ db_tree = []
+ # The .format() call supports the optional -i flag
+ for row in c.execute("SELECT {}title,system,ownership,progress FROM games".format("rowid," if args.ids else '')):
+ game = {}
+ for field in row.keys():
+ game.update({field: row[field]})
+ db_tree.append(game)
+ yaml.dump(db_tree, fp, default_flow_style=False, indent=4, allow_unicode=True)
+ fp.close()
+ if fp is not sys.stdout:
+ print("Database exported to {}.".format(args.path))
+def import_db(args):
+ '''Read yaml lines from a file (or stdin) to add to the database.'''
+ try:
+ if args.path == None:
+ fp = sys.stdin
+ else:
+ fp = open(args.path, 'r')
+ except PermissionError:
+ print("The path is not readable by the current user. Please check permissions.")
+ sys.exit()
+ # Time for business! :D
+ records = 0
+ data = yaml.safe_load(fp)
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_LOCATION)
+ conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ # List comprehensions are why I like Python.
+ # inline conditionals are badass, too
+ c.executemany("INSERT {}INTO games ({}title,system,ownership,progress) VALUES ({}:title, :system, :ownership, :progress)".format("OR REPLACE " if args.ids else "", "rowid," if args.ids else "", ":rowid," if args.ids else ""), (game for game in data))
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+ print("Imported {} games.".format(c.rowcount))
+def add_game(args):
+ '''Adds a game to the database. Requires at least a title and
+ system.
+ Ownership can be 0 (not owned) or 1 (owned). The default is 1.
+ Completion can be 0 to 3:
+ 0 (fresh, never played)
+ 1 (in-progress) (default)
+ 2 (beaten)
+ 3 (completed 100%)
+ '''
+ if args.ownership == '-':
+ args.ownership = OWNERSHIP
+ if args.progress == '-':
+ args.progress = PROGRESS
+ # Translate our args so they can be added and reflected correctly
+ args.ownership = translate_arg(args.ownership)
+ args.progress = translate_arg(args.progress)
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_LOCATION)
+ game = (args.title, args.system, args.ownership, args.progress)
+ conn.execute("INSERT INTO games VALUES(:title, :system, :ownership, :progress)", game)
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+ qual = "don't own" if args.ownership == 0 else 'own'
+ comp = ("fresh", "in-progress", "beaten", "completed")
+ # I shouldn't have to coerce that last argument but I don't know a better
+ # solution.
+ print("Added {0} for {1}. You {2} it and it's {3}.".format(args.title, args.system, qual, comp[int(args.progress)]))
+def delete_game(args):
+ '''Removes a game from the database.'''
+ target = game_found(args.id)
+ if target != None:
+ try:
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_LOCATION)
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ conn.execute("DELETE FROM games WHERE rowid = :id", {'id': args.id})
+ conn.commit()
+ print("Removed {0} for {1} from your database.".format(target[0], target[1]))
+ except sqlite3.OperationalError:
+ print("Could not remove game from the database. Check the file and ensure you have write access.")
+ finally:
+ conn.close()
+ else:
+ print("That game ID does not exist in the database.")
+def translate_arg(arg):
+ '''Translate approximate argument names to their internal values for
+ inserting into the database.'''
+ # Verify we're working with a string.
+ try:
+ if len(arg) != 1:
+ print("Argument must be a single character.")
+ sys.exit()
+ if not arg.isnumeric():
+ # We know it can't be coerced to a number, so it must be a string
+ vals = {'f': 0, 'n': 0, 'i': 1, 'y': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
+ try:
+ return vals[arg]
+ except KeyError:
+ # Note to self, doubling a brace escapes it. This was tucked away in the Python docs...
+ print("Value '{}' not valid. Try one of {{y, n, f, i, b, c}}.".format(arg))
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ return arg
+ except TypeError:
+ # It's a number, go ahead and return it
+ return arg
+def update_game(args):
+ '''Changes a specific field for a game. Mostly used for correcting
+ mistakes and updating game status as it changes.'''
+ target = game_found(args.gid)
+ # Let's accept anything remotely matching the field names
+ opts = ['system', 'title', 'ownership', 'progress']
+ for i in opts:
+ if i.startswith(args.field):
+ args.field = i
+ if not (args.field in opts):
+ print("Invalid field name indicated! Please choose from {}".format(', '.join(opts)))
+ sys.exit()
+ # Translate y, n, f, i, b, and c
+ if args.field == 'ownership' or args.field == 'progress':
+ args.value = translate_arg(args.value)
+ # We need this workaround because execute() doesn't like variable column names
+ update_stmt = "UPDATE games SET {} = :val WHERE rowid = :id".format(args.field)
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_LOCATION)
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ c.execute(update_stmt, {'id': args.gid, 'val': args.value})
+ conn.commit()
+ if c.rowcount == 1:
+ own_msg = ('not owned', 'owned')
+ prog_msg = ('fresh', 'in-progress', 'beaten', 'complete')
+ update_msg = {
+ 'title': "{ot} on {os} is now named {val}.",
+ 'system': "{ot} on {os} is now on {val}.",
+ 'ownership': "{ot} on {os} is now marked {val}.",
+ 'progress': "{ot} on {os} is now marked {val}."
+ }
+ print(update_msg[args.field].format(ot = target['title'], os = target['system'], val = args.value if args.field == 'title' or args.field == 'system' else own_msg[int(args.value)] if args.field == 'ownership' else prog_msg[int(args.value)]))
+ else:
+ print("Could not update game information. Check the DB's permissions.")
+ conn.close()
+def list_games(args):
+ '''Filters games according to preset queries. Internally,
+ they are SQLite VIEWs
+ Each filter targets different games:
+ all: everything, sorted by system then title
+ backlog: * have not been beaten or completed
+ complete: have been completed
+ done: are beaten or complete
+ fresh: haven't been started yet
+ incomplete: * beaten, but not completed
+ owned: are marked as 'owned'
+ unowned: are marked as 'unowned'
+ wishlist: are both 'unowned' and 'fresh' or 'in-progress'
+ * Will only target games that are owned.
+ '''
+ if args.filter == 'all':
+ args.filter = 'allgames'
+ # DBs don't allow table names to be parameterized. This little hack
+ # works around that limitation.
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_LOCATION)
+ conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
+ select_stmts = {
+ 'allgames': "SELECT * FROM allgames",
+ 'backlog': "SELECT * FROM backlog",
+ 'complete': "SELECT * FROM complete",
+ 'done': "SELECT * FROM done",
+ 'fresh': "SELECT * FROM fresh",
+ 'incomplete': "SELECT * FROM incomplete",
+ 'owned': "SELECT * FROM owned",
+ 'unowned': "SELECT * FROM unowned",
+ 'wishlist': "SELECT * FROM wishlist"
+ }
+ # We're emulating a do-while loop
+ first_pass = True
+ for row in conn.execute(select_stmts[args.filter]):
+ if args.raw:
+ # Use this for raw output, for use with other tools
+ print('|'.join(map(str,row)))
+ continue
+ else:
+ row_format(row, header=first_pass)
+ first_pass = False
+def game_found(gid):
+ '''Confirms the given ID is in the database and, if found, returns it.
+ Used in conjunction with delete_game() and update_game().'''
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_LOCATION)
+ # Give us access to .keys()
+ conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ c.execute("SELECT title,system,ownership,progress FROM games WHERE rowid = :id", {'id': gid})
+ row = c.fetchone()
+ conn.close()
+ return row
+def row_format(args, header):
+ # There's another way to do this, involving gathering the entire results and *then* formatting them
+ # That is incredibly wasteful of resources imo, so it may need some testing to see if it's better.
+ # Ideally, we'd only make the table as wide as needed; that can't happen unless we know the longest
+ # title's length...
+ # Get our maximum width so we can toy around with things.
+ if TABLE_WIDTH >= 50:
+ maxwidth = TABLE_WIDTH
+ else:
+ try:
+ maxwidth = os.get_terminal_size().columns
+ except OSError:
+ with open('/dev/tty') as tty:
+ curwidth = int(subprocess.check_output(['stty', 'size']).split()[1])
+ maxwidth = curwidth
+ twidth = maxwidth - 35
+ if header == True:
+ print("{:^4s} | {:<{w}s} | {:<8s} | {:^3s} | {:<7s}".format("ID", "Title", "System", "Own", "Status", w=twidth))
+ print("-" * maxwidth)
+ gidstr = "{: >4d}".format(args['rowid'])
+ titlestr = "{: <{w}s}".format(args['title'][:twidth], w=twidth)
+ systemstr = "{: ^8s}".format(args['system'][:8])
+ ownstr = "{: ^3s}".format("*" if args['ownership'] == 1 else " ")
+ statltr = ['F', 'I', 'B', 'C']
+ statstr = "{: <7s}".format((" " * args['progress'] * 2) + statltr[args['progress']])
+ """
+ ID | Title | System | Own | Status
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ 1234 | This is a title | Wii U VC | * | F I B C
+ """
+ print(" | ".join((gidstr, titlestr, systemstr, ownstr, statstr)))
+def main():
+ # Establish our important variables
+ set_env()
+ # Set up the command parsers
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
+ # 'add' command
+ parser_add = subparsers.add_parser('add', help="Add a game to your database")
+ parser_add.add_argument('title', type=str, help="The title of the game you're adding")
+ parser_add.add_argument('system', type=str, help="The system your game is for")
+ parser_add.add_argument('ownership', type=str, nargs='?', default='-', help="0 or 'n' for no, 1 or 'y' for yes. Defaults to {0}. Accepts '-' for default, in case you want to set progress but not ownership".format(OWNERSHIP))
+ parser_add.add_argument('progress', type=str, nargs='?', default='-', help="Indicates completion level. 0 = [f]resh, never played; 1 = [i]n progress; 2 = [b]eaten; 3 = [c]ompleted. Defaults to {0}".format(PROGRESS))
+ parser_add.set_defaults(func=add_game)
+ # 'init' command
+ parser_init = subparsers.add_parser('init', help="Initialize the database so it can be used")
+ parser_init.set_defaults(func=init_db)
+ # 'delete' command
+ parser_del = subparsers.add_parser('delete', help="Remove a game from your database")
+ parser_del.add_argument('id', type=int, help="The ID of the game to be deleted")
+ parser_del.set_defaults(func=delete_game)
+ # 'list' command
+ parser_list = subparsers.add_parser('list', help="List your games with preset views")
+ list_filters = ['all', 'backlog', 'complete', 'done', 'fresh', 'incomplete', 'owned', 'unowned', 'wishlist']
+ parser_list.add_argument('filter', nargs='?', choices=list_filters, default='all', help='Filter games accerding to preset queries. Valid filters: {}'.format(', '.join(list_filters)))
+ parser_list.add_argument('-r', '--raw', action="store_true", help="Output the list in a machine-readable format, separated by pipe characters.")
+ parser_list.set_defaults(func=list_games)
+ # 'update' command
+ parser_up = subparsers.add_parser('update', help="Update a specific game")
+ parser_up.add_argument('gid', type=int, help="The game's ID (found in 'vgstash list' output)")
+ parser_up.add_argument('field', help="The field you wish to update")
+ parser_up.add_argument('value', type=str, help="The new value for the field")
+ parser_up.set_defaults(func=update_game)
+ # 'export' command
+ parser_ex = subparsers.add_parser('export', help="Export the database's information to a YAML file.")
+ parser_ex.add_argument('path', nargs='?', default=None, help="The full path of the file you want to write to. Defaults to stdout")
+ parser_ex.add_argument('-i', '--ids', action="store_true", help="Export game IDs along with game information. Useful if preparing a batch update.")
+ parser_ex.set_defaults(func=export_db)
+ # 'import' command
+ parser_im = subparsers.add_parser('import', help="Import a YAML file's content into the database.")
+ parser_im.add_argument('path', nargs='?', default=None, help="The full path of the file you want to read from. Defaults to stdin")
+ parser_im.add_argument('-i', '--ids', action="store_true", help="Update via game IDs in the database instead of appending")
+ parser_im.set_defaults(func=import_db)
+ # Let'er rip!
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ args.func(args)
+# Our usual incantation
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()