path: root/src/vgstash_cli.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vgstash_cli.py')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/src/vgstash_cli.py b/src/vgstash_cli.py
index 29f6026..046443d 100755
--- a/src/vgstash_cli.py
+++ b/src/vgstash_cli.py
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ def init():
raise sqlite3.OperationalError("Cannot create schema.")
def row_format(row, width, header):
Prints a row from the result set into a nice table.
@@ -77,10 +76,20 @@ def row_format(row, width, header):
@click.argument('ownership', type=str, required=False, default=vgstash.DEFAULT_CONFIG['ownership'])
@click.argument('progress', type=str, required=False, default=vgstash.DEFAULT_CONFIG['progress'])
@click.argument('notes', type=str, required=False, default="")
-def add(title, system, ownership, progress, notes):
+@click.argument('p_date', type=str, required=False, default="")
+@click.argument('b_date', type=str, required=False, default="")
+@click.argument('c_date', type=str, required=False, default="")
+def add(title, system, ownership, progress, notes, p_date, b_date, c_date):
db = get_db()
- game = vgstash.Game(title, system, ownership, progress, notes)
+ game = vgstash.Game(title, system, ownership, progress, notes, p_date, b_date, c_date)
+ # Convert user-input (meant to be RFC2822/ISO8601 dates) to timestamps
+ if game.p_date:
+ game.p_date = vgstash.iso_to_unix(game.p_date)
+ if game.b_date:
+ game.b_date = vgstash.iso_to_unix(game.b_date)
+ if game.c_date:
+ game.c_date = vgstash.iso_to_unix(game.c_date)
db.add_game(game, update=False)
own_clause = (
"do not own it",
@@ -96,13 +105,15 @@ def add(title, system, ownership, progress, notes):
"have beaten",
"have completed",
- note_clause = "" if len(game.notes) == 0 else " It also has notes."
- click.echo("Added {} for {}. You {} and {} it.{}".format(
+ note_clause = "" if len(game.notes) == 0 else " It has notes."
+ date_clause = "" if not (game.p_date or game.b_date or game.c_date) else " It has date data."
+ click.echo("Added {} for {}. You {} and {} it.{}{}".format(
+ date_clause
except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e:
@@ -112,33 +123,89 @@ def add(title, system, ownership, progress, notes):
@click.argument('filter', type=click.Choice(vgstash.FILTERS.keys()), required=False, default="allgames")
@click.option('--raw', '-r', is_flag=True, show_default=True, default=False, help="Output raw, pipe-delimited lines")
-@click.option('--width', '-w', type=str, required=False, default=get_terminal_size(fallback=(80,24)).columns, help="The width of the table to output, in characters.")
-def list_games(filter, raw, width):
+def list_games(filter, raw):
db = get_db()
- res = db.list_games(filter)
- first_pass = True
- # res can be False if the filter doesn't exist, but Click should catch it
- # and spit out an error before this function even starts.
- for r in res:
- if 'notes' in r.keys() and len(r['notes']) > 0:
- notes = r['notes'].replace('\n', '\\n')
- notes = notes.replace('\r', '\\r')
- else:
- notes = ''
- if raw:
- click.echo("|".join((
- r['title'],
- r['system'],
- str(r['ownership']),
- str(r['progress']),
- notes
- ))
- )
- else:
- row_format(r, width, first_pass)
- first_pass = False
+ row_data = db.list_games(filter)
+ if raw:
+ for r in row_data:
+ l = []
+ for c in r:
+ if c == None:
+ l.append(str(''))
+ elif type(c) == int:
+ l.append(str(c))
+ else:
+ tc = c.replace('\n', '\\n')
+ tc = tc.replace('\r', '\\r')
+ l.append(tc)
+ click.echo("|".join(l))
+ return
+ # Get column names, and a list of widths ready to go with them
+ columns = row_data[0].keys()
+ widths = []
+ for i in range(len(columns)):
+ widths.append(len(columns[i]))
+ # Make a cache to manipulate the data with
+ row_cache = []
+ for r in row_data:
+ cache_row = []
+ for c in r:
+ cache_row.append(c)
+ row_cache.append(cache_row)
+ # We should have a full, mutable cache now!
+ for r in row_cache:
+ for i in range(len(columns)):
+ # process fields that need massaging for display
+ if r[i]:
+ if columns[i] == ("p_date"):
+ r[i] = vgstash.unix_to_iso(r[i])
+ if columns[i] == ("b_date"):
+ r[i] = vgstash.unix_to_iso(r[i])
+ if columns[i] == ("c_date"):
+ r[i] = vgstash.unix_to_iso(r[i])
+ if columns[i] == "notes" and len(r[i]) > 0:
+ r[i] = "*"
+ if columns[i] == "progress":
+ r[i] = vgstash.vtok(r[i], vgstash.PROGRESS)[0].capitalize()
+ if columns[i] == "ownership":
+ r[i] = vgstash.vtok(r[i], vgstash.OWNERSHIP)[0].capitalize()
+ if r[i] == None:
+ r[i] = ""
+ if isinstance(r[i], int):
+ r[i] = str(r[i])
+ # Store width in relevant list
+ w = len(str(r[i]))
+ if w > widths[i]:
+ widths[i] = w
+ # print the top header
+ l = []
+ left_fst = "{: <{w}s}"
+ right_fst = "{: >{w}s}"
+ center_fst = "{: ^{w}s}"
+ for i in range(len(columns)):
+ l.append(center_fst.format(columns[i], w=widths[i]))
+ click.echo(" | ".join(l))
+ l = []
+ for w in widths:
+ l.append("-"*w)
+ click.echo("-+-".join(l))
+ # print the collection now that the hard part is done!
+ for r in row_cache:
+ l = []
+ for i in range(len(columns)):
+ # TODO: set different fstring based on column name
+ l.append(left_fst.format(r[i], w=widths[i]))
+ click.echo(" | ".join(l))
@click.argument('title', required=True)
@click.argument('system', required=True)