# What is GIMPixel? GIMPixel is a set of brushes, palettes, and image templates designed to turn [GIMP](http://gimp.org) into an enjoyable piece of pixeling software. It's still in its infancy, so if you know a thing or two about configuring GIMP or would like to contribute brushes, palettes, or more, don't hesitate to join in! ## Usage To use GIMPixel, you must run GIMP after changing the "GIMP2\_DIRECTORY" environment variable. To do so, just run something like `GIMP2_DIRECTORY=.gimpixel gimp` and it should work without messing with your existing GIMP configuration. If you decide that you'd like to replace your existing GIMP configuration with GIMPixel, just move .gimpixel to your original GIMP directory (usually .gimp-2.x/) ### Fluxbox Adding the following to ~/.fluxbox/menu should work: `[exec] (GIMPixel) {GIMP2_DIRECTORY=~/.gimpixel gimp}` # Roadmap * Provide execution directions for other common window managers or environments. * Add some additional interesting or useful brushes. * Find a way to set image or color bit-depth modes. * Include more palettes. * Begin the wiki and include some GIMP pixeling tips.